Research on the rationalization of production logistics of non-ferrous metal processing enterprises

  1 Meaning of production logistics

  Production logistics, means that the raw materials start from the incoming factory, according to certain process flow, in the form of work in progress through various workshops or processes for processing, through certain transport machinery or equipment for loading and unloading, transportation, and finally realize the process of finished products leaving the factory.

  2 Non-ferrous metal processing enterprise’s logistics characteristics

  The production of non-ferrous metal processing enterprises generally has some common characteristics, which are usually reflected in the following.

  2.1 Complex and changeable production process

  Non-ferrous metal processing is often accompanied by thermal processing and pressure processing at the same time. In the production process of products have complex metal properties changes, is complex physical and chemical changes, so like copper, aluminum ingots in the production of temperature control requirements are very high, which requires high efficiency in the flow of products in the process of logistics, as far as possible to reduce heat loss.

  2.2 Continuous and automated production process

  With the improvement of process technology and mechanical processing capability, the continuity and automation of China’s non-ferrous metal processing production is also increasing. Enterprises have more and more large equipment and automatic control equipment, which requires that the products in the process of production transported to the next workshop, the next process time to be more accurate, in order to achieve continuous and efficient production.

  2.3 Large amount of information in the production process

  Non-ferrous metal processing needs raw materials, intermediate alloys, production auxiliary materials while in the process of production for the flow of materials and changes in the form of work-in-progress to ensure that the product output on time and in accordance with the amount.

  3 Problems in the production logistics of non-ferrous metal processing enterprises

  Through the investigation and research on the current situation of production logistics of non-ferrous metal processing enterprises, it is found that on the whole, the production logistics of non-ferrous metal processing enterprises in China is gradually moving towards the direction of modern logistics, but there are still many problems. The specific situation is as follows.

  3.1 Process flow

  In the production process should be smooth and continuous, but in practice, there are many workshops and processes in many unscientific and unreasonable situations. For example, the process flow in the flow of material folding back serious, material transport lines are too circuitous, unreasonable arrangements lead to too long transport lines. All these reflect that the logistics in the process design has not been fully considered.

  3.2 Factory layout

  The general layout of the factory is to determine the reasonable location of each functional partition and functional area of the enterprise under the premise of meeting various requirements, but the problems in the actual production of the factory reflect the lack of logistics consideration in the general drawing design. With the development of the enterprise, the principle of logistics rationalization cannot be fully followed in the continuous reconstruction and expansion, resulting in the formation of certain defects in the plan layout, the logistics flow, complex transportation methods and irrational transportation phenomenon is more serious.

  In addition, the logistics infrastructure is backward, inventory management level is not high, production logistics management is decentralized, etc. All these problems will affect the efficiency of non-ferrous metal processing enterprises and logistics.

  4 Measures for developing rationalized logistics of non-ferrous metal processing enterprises

  4.1 Rational layout of process flow

  Non-ferrous metal processing enterprises should follow their own process requirements and reasonably arrange the process flow of raw materials from the factory to the finished products. The line logistics between the loading and unloading points, operation points and storage points of each workshop or process should be short and reasonable, avoiding round-tripping and detours, and reducing unnecessary transportation links to improve the overall production and transportation efficiency.

  4.2 Logistics in general layout

  4.2.1 Site selection.

The choice of plant site should be based on the distribution of resources and consumption locations, close to the main principles, fuel base or the main sales of products. It is also important to consider compressing the transportation distance and striving for the least total cost of external transportation. The connection with roads, railroads and ports outside the plant should be the shortest and quickest, with economic and reasonable, convenient and smooth transportation conditions.

  4.2.2 General layout.

The general layout is based on the production nature, scale and production process of the enterprise, the reasonable layout of production workshops, auxiliary production facilities and living facilities. The design should be combined with the specific conditions of the plant area, in accordance with the entire production process from raw materials into the plant to the finished product, the economic and reasonable layout of the buildings and structures in the plant, and organize the transportation inside and outside the plant.

  4.2.3 Reasonable general layout of the impact of enterprise logistics.

  First, the production use requirements. In the general layout of non-ferrous metal processing enterprises, first of all, we must understand the production process of the enterprise, understand the form, volume and function of the various buildings and structures that make up the enterprise, reasonably arrange the relative positions of buildings and structures, and try to achieve short and smooth transportation lines. (1) in the center of the plant to arrange the main production area, while the production-related auxiliary facilities are arranged around the production area, so that not only the auxiliary facilities near the main load, can reduce energy losses, reduce transport links; (2) the nature of production or production of similar closely linked workshops to close or centralized arrangement, so that the production process more smoothly, while reducing the corresponding amount of material transport to (3) the large amount of transport workshops, warehouses should be combined with the production process requirements, arranged in the main arterial roads or freight entrances and exits, so that the material can be put into the flow process as soon as possible to improve transport efficiency; (4) the large flow of people in the workshop and living auxiliary facilities area should be close to the main pedestrian entrance and exit arrangement, and at the same time should try to avoid people, cargo flow cross.

  Second, the reasonable layout of buildings and structures. Although the process flow is an important factor affecting the general layout, but in the reasonable layout of the plant buildings and structures, we should pay more attention to the compactness of the land, reasonable division of the plant, proper arrangement of living facilities, these are important factors affecting the general layout of the enterprise.

  Third, reasonably reduce the spacing between buildings and structures. In the factory site, the spacing between buildings, roads and other land often occupies a large proportion. Therefore, in order to meet the requirements of health, fire prevention and safety, the spacing between buildings and structures should be reasonably tightened. Through this arrangement, it can effectively reduce the driving distance of each workshop transportation vehicles, shorten the time for employees to travel to and from each workshop, and improve the production efficiency of the whole factory.

  Fourth, the plant is centrally arranged or combined.

Due to production, transportation, fire prevention, health and laying pipelines and other requirements, compressed building spacing is a limit. Practice has proved that the plant is centrally located or shop to merge can be greater reduction in the time and cost of the flow of materials in the work in progress. Workshops must fully understand the nature and requirements of the merger, generally the same type of workshop can be considered to merge; finished goods warehouse and the last production process as far as possible to merge, the main workshop services for the auxiliary production facilities as far as possible and the main workshop merger. For example, in the layout of non-ferrous metal processing enterprises, small non-ferrous metal processing enterprises can often melt casting workshop and strip workshop, melt casting workshop and extrusion workshop, strip workshop and foil workshop, closely linked, the same production process or similar downstream deep processing workshop, in the design of the layout of the joint plant. Such a design can not only make the in-process products in the production process flow time reduced, even if it is melt-casting section to the next section, such as extrusion section, rolling section, but also can effectively reduce heat loss, save energy consumption, and greatly improve production efficiency and energy utilization.   

Fifth, a reasonable division of the plant to meet the requirements of use, leaving room for development.

Plan layout should be based on production characteristics and management requirements to reasonably divide the plant site boundaries, so that the recent construction as much as possible concentrated. Some enterprises blindly occupy an area of land, too many plants in the preliminary planning and design, the product is too full. In the later stage of implementation, only some of the production workshops are in production, and the production workshops are more scattered because of the layout in the early planning, resulting in the process of production and operation, the process folded back, and the transportation line between the production workshops is confusing. At the same time also to the enterprise later expansion of production has brought adverse effects, the future development of enterprises is a clear goal, but the ideas and process of dynamic change process, and due to the continuous changes in the market, it is possible that the enterprise’s products and positioning is also changing, the early planning too early, too full, too scattered, making the enterprise pre-planning reserved sites can not be used or more constraints affecting the use.

  Sixth, according to local conditions, combined with the terrain. General layout should take into account the topography of the plant location, but also to meet the requirements of production and transportation, safe and reliable, economic and reasonable.

  Some areas have a large difference in terrain, bringing some difficulty to the early construction, but if you think carefully in the layout, the layout is reasonable and appropriate, it may be appropriate to turn unfavorable factors into favorable conditions, but also bring great convenience to the production. Such as in Chongqing area of a non-ferrous metal processing enterprises, built on the slope of almost 18% slope, but the plant in the design of the combination of process characteristics, make full use of topographic conditions, so that the entire enterprise process from high to low, with part of the product in progress according to the weight of the object down to send and production of large amounts of recycled water gravity self-flow, effectively replacing part of the transport equipment. At the same time, using the height difference, you can also set up high water tank, the workshop with large transportation volume set up loading and unloading platform according to the terrain, etc.

  4.2.4 The choice of reasonable transportation mode inside and outside the factory.

Whether the logistics of non-ferrous metal processing enterprises is reasonable or not is largely reflected in whether the organization of enterprise transportation lines is reasonable or not. The transport design of the enterprise should fully consider the specific situation of the process and the location of the plant, and correctly choose the mode of transport and transport lines of the enterprise, so that the transport lines are as short and short as possible, and there is no round trip and cross phenomenon.

  First, the choice of transport mode. Regardless of which mode of transportation is chosen, it should be considered in conjunction with the topographic conditions of the plant location, the site of the plant, the relationship between the layout and spacing of buildings and structures in the plant, the volume of goods transported by the enterprise and the characteristics of the goods. At the same time, after the technical and economic comparison and analysis, to determine the economic and reasonable, convenient and smooth mode of transportation.

  Transportation modes are generally divided into road transportation, railroad transportation, waterway transportation and other transportation modes.

  Road transportation is the most used mode in the enterprise. In areas where the site is flat, the road just needs to consider the cross-slope smooth connection to ensure the smooth transportation route within the plant and the convenience of the transport road. However, in areas with large site undulations and complex terrain, the longitudinal slope of the road must be considered, and in some areas, even the use of local height differences to use appropriate mechanical transport equipment.

  Railroad transportation is generally used for large non-ferrous metal processing enterprises with large transportation volume, and the in-plant railroad should be connected to the edge of the plant as far as possible to facilitate raw materials into the plant and products out of the plant.

  Waterway transportation is large, low cost, but also very limited, generally limited to outside the plant transportation.

  Secondly, the reasonable organization of the intersection of cargo flow and human flow. In the design of in-plant cargo transportation, we should also give full consideration to pedestrian routes. When ensuring that the goods can be transported normally on time and on schedule, the safety and convenience of employees’ production and life should also be fully considered.

  In the general layout, the direction of cargo flow and human flow should be opposite and parallel, and the entrance and exit of cargo flow should be separated from the entrance and exit of human flow as far as possible to reduce the intersection. For small enterprises, generally the intersection of the road within the plant for the plane intersection. But for some large non-ferrous metal processing enterprises, if the intersection of the flow of less can also be plane crossings, if the flow is too large should also consider three-dimensional crossings.

  5 Conclusion

  This article focuses on the content of the production logistics of non-ferrous metal processing enterprises. Due to the limitation of space, some detailed issues cannot be discussed here.

  In conclusion, the production logistics system is an important part of the production process, and is the link between all aspects of production and manufacturing. China’s non-ferrous metal processing enterprises should focus more on the analysis and reflection of the current situation of their own enterprise logistics, update the concept of logistics management, learn from and gradually introduce modern production logistics model, and actively and steadily move forward in the direction of logistics modernization.